A blog about my study abroad experience in Ireland

Friday, December 18, 2015

Giants Causeway

So this will be a relatively short update as I'm really only writing this to put off packing, because I would do just about anything if it meant I didn't have to pack. But as it's my last update from here in Ireland and one of the last trips I took along with one to Wicklow that I might talk about later (just so I can post pictures because it was the prettiest place I've ever been in my life) and therefor very close to my heart.

When I realized I only had a month left in Ireland, I had a mini panic attack one night and immediately booked day trips as I still hadn't seen a few things. I'm still not really sure how people can visit Ireland for only a week... there is so much to see! So the first trip I scheduled was to Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, which actually meant I would be traveling to a different country!

The trip started at 6:30 am so I was chipper as ever boarding one of the tiniest buses I've ever seen. I managed to snag a row with only one seat which meant my social interaction could stay at around a 1 and my sleeping time could go up to around a 7, it was pretty lucky.

Before we got to Giant's Causeway we visited the famous Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge (locally pronounced carrick-a-reedy). The bridge spans 20 meters, connecting the mainland Ireland to a small island that was once used for fishing. The bridge is about 30 meters above the water which in feet is like really high.
Really high = 100 ft
Photo credit:  profissaoviajante.com
 The day we went it was so windy they ended up shutting down the bridge about 20 minutes after we left. It was a surprisingly long walk to get to the bridge but so worth it after I worked up the courage to cross. Apparently some people cross to the island and end up way too scared to cross back and have to be escorted back on a boat but I did it no problem because mama didn't raise a quitter.
The view from the middle of the rope bridge. Shockingly enough this is the "new, safer" bridge.
 I then made the long walk back and got back on the bus to make our way to Giant's Causeway.
I mean as far as walks go, I've had worse. 
After lunch at a pub (which was playing Ashley Simpson, confused? I was too.) we finally made it Giant's Causeway. To give you a general description, it is cold and windy and wet, much like the rest of Ireland but 10 times worse. Don't get me wrong, the entire area was absolutely gorgeous but to be honest, in Texas if it's that windy, there is a tornado coming, so I was a bit uncomfortable.
Took forever to get this picture because I kept falling off the rocks
All in all it was an amazing trip and something I will never ever forget. I'm so thankful that I was lucky enough to fit this into my schedule and see something that I may never get to see again. I leave in two days for America and everything is really starting to set it, the fun (or craic), the friends, the places, and the memories, will all soon be just that... memories. And so tonight I would just like to say, be grateful for every second you have on this Earth, make an adventure out of everything, and don't be afraid to live because some never do.

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